Liminal Spaces Study group 5/6
In this workshop we’ll dive into these topics through concrete practises, adventures and games, while reflecting on visible identity and safety. We’ll try out alternative ways of looking (gazing) and experiencing our surroundings through the lens of performance and body, as well as sharing those findings together.
No need for prior experience on performing or theory, we’ll aim for all practices to be accessible and safe for everyone, YOU are very most welcome! ☆𖦹✩
Why do I feel alone in a crowd? We’re so close to each other but yet unreachable? Where is care within a shopping mall or at the metro station? How to shake my surroundings? How can I access adventure and magic around me? how to be hidden in public?
In Finland the culture of obeying rules and upkeeping the status quo is and has been an upheld, socially valued, virtue. Good example of this is the the city area’s social and infrastructural spaces which are filled with suggestions of how your body should behave, where you should focus at and how you should feel, while big part of it all supports the goals of homogeneous white-identity, monetizing privatization and capitalistic consumerism.
Could we find a lot more potential of connection and playing than we’re given?
”hiii i’m noia! I’ve been doing performances, civil-activism, teaching dance, events, and bringin people together to celebrate&show the autonomy of our collective body for the past five years. Everything I do, I strive for collective well being and tend to leave space for conflict and error, the social liminal that is, while building bridges in between. active in grassroots-culture, teaching dancing and now busy trying to understanding why is P4L35T1N3 not free yet?
’movement is everything, soul is in the flesh and vice versa’."
DATE: 11.11.
TIME: 18-21
LOCATION: Itäkeskus, Helsinki
The session has a limited capacity, so act now!
This is completely for free!
This study group session is a part of the Towards Action project and is aimed for 16 to 29 years old people. The project is co-funded by the European Commission.
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Oletko kiinnostunut kaupunkiviljelyn ja estetiikan yhdistämisestä? Haluatko kehittää prototyypin joka luo näyttävän kasvualustan, tuen kasveille tai vaikkapa pesäpaikkoja pörriäisille? 🌿🗽
Kasvun kauneus on Dodon ja ruotsalaisen Blivanden yhteinen Erasmus+ -hanke. Päätavoitteena on kehittää kaupunkiviljelyn prototyyppejä molemmille toimipisteille: Kääntöpöydälle Pasilaan ja Frihamnstorget:ille Tukholmaan. 🌿🗽
Haku prototyyppiehdotuksille on avoin 15-25-vuotiaille, 1.11.-15.12. Näistä valitaan 3-5 ehdotusta, joita jatkokehitetään yhdessä asiantuntijoiden kanssa helmi-maaliskuussa. Prototyypit rakennetaan huhti-elokuussa, ja valmiit prototyypit esitellään HarFest tapahtumassa syyskuussa 2025. Cofunding alustalla (linkki biossa), jonne ehdotukset kerätään, esitellään hakua tarkemmin! 🌿🗽
Are you interested in combining urban gardening and aesthetics? Do you want to develop a prototype that creates a spectacular growing space, works as a support for plants or maybe make hideouts for bugs? 🌿🗽
Growing Beauty is Dodo's new Erasmus+ project in cooperation with Blivande in Stockholm, Sweden. The main aim is to develop urban food production prototypes for both of our locations, Kääntöpöytä in Pasila and Frihamnstorget in Stockholm. 🌿🗽
The call for proposals is open to people in the age range 15-25 years between 1.11-15.12. The 3-5 selected projects are developed further with experts in February-March and then built April-August to be exhibited at HarFest in September 2025. The Cofunding page (link in bio) where the proposals will be gathered presents the call in more detail! 🌿🗽
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Liminal Spaces study group 4/6
Activism in textiles
Ton and Masha will make a presentation about their experience in making protests through textile, clothes and direct action. The topics for their works are students, women, labor, lgbtqi+ rights, ecological issues, anti-war protest.
They will tell us about the projects they were participants and co-founders of: sewing cooperative Shvemy (Ukrainian-Russian art group), sewing cooperative Resew (experimental economical and community project), also about their experience of creative work together with communities.
Ton/Tonya Melnyk and Masha Ravlyk are artists and activists from Kyiv (Ukraine), participants of Shvemy and Resew, queer people and refugees.
DATE: 6.11.
TIME: 18-20
LOCATION: Metsälä, Helsinki (exact address sent by email after registration)
Accessibility: 2 stairs steps on the way to the space, no accessible for wheelchair toilet, 2 toilets, kitchen, possibility to make tea. 🍵
Sign up via bio! The session has a limited capacity, so act now!
This is completely for free!
This study group session is a part of the Towards Action project and is aimed for 16 to 29 years old people. The project is co-funded by the European Commission.
(suomenkielinen teksti kommenteissa!)
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Aiemmin tällä viikolla kumppanimme Manondroala Madagascar käynnisti verkkokurssin gambialaisille virkamiehille. Tämä koulutus on jatkoa viime vuonna alkaneelle kurssille. 👩🏾💻👨🏾💻
Kuukauden mittaisen koulutuksen aikana metsäosaston virkamiehet oppivat käyttämään QGIS-järjestelmää paremmin; siirtämään dataa, luomaan QGIS-projekteja ja muokkaamaan karttoja. 💽
Näin he saavat perustyökalut hankkeessa luodun metsäkartan ymmärtämiseen ja muokkaamiseen. 🗾✍🏻
Manondroalan Daulphin Razafipahatelolla ja Angela Tarimylla on vuosien kokemus karttojen tekemisestä ja QGIS-koulutuksen järjestämisestä. Olemme erittäin iloisia voidessamme tehdä yhteistyötä heidän kanssaan tänäkin vuonna. 🙌🏽
Earlier this week, our partner NGO Manondroala Madagascar launched an online course for the selected environmental officials in Gambia. This training is a continuation program following the training that started last year. 👨🏾💻👩🏾💻
During the one month training, forestry department officials will learn to use QGIS better; importing and exporting data, creating QGIS projects and editing maps.💽
This will give them some basic tools on understanding and editing the forest monitoring map created in the Tesito-project.🗾✍🏻
Daulphin Razafipahatelo and Angela Tarimy from Manondroala have years of experience in making maps and training people to use the QGIS software. We are extremely happy to partner with them this year again. 🙌🏽
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Sign up now!
Art 💥 activism
Interested in art and social actions? This Action weekend will gather different operators and practitioners onto the ridge of Pispala, in Tampere, for one weekend in the end of October. There will be a broad selection of different activities offered, of which all of them invite you to inspect and try new.
Are you interested in art as a tool for societal change? What does it mean — and what could it mean? We invite you to join, let's figure it out! The activities which inspect interfaces of art and actions, co-learning and alternative approaches sometimes taking place in alternative spaces, are the very core of this weekend. Aside from all this, we encourage you to take time for your own things, listening to your needs and resting during the weekend!
The activities taking place during this weekend will all happen in different locations on the ridge of Pispala. You’ll get to curate your own schedule out of the contents provided. There will be all kinds of things from workshops to explorations, from communal cooking to art exhibitions…. join us!
🫵 We want to invite especially you, who live a little further away from the center points of where it all normally happens — this is your opportunity to join now!
Dodo Rf will cover your travels, and we will provide accommodation and meals. So participating in this will be completely free for you!
💥 Sign up in the bio! There are only a handful of spots, so act now!
Got curious? More detailed info behind the sign up link, in the info document!
This event is for 16-29 year old people and we use Finnish and English!
The project has been funded by the European Union's youth mobility funding.
#kohtitoimintaa #towardsaction
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