Photo: Aleksi Rekunen


Project 2023-2026

Dodo has been granted MFA’s funding for a continuation project in Gambia, Senegal and Guinea-Bissau! In this four-year project, the goal is to continue applying the forest mapping and monitoring method to the neighboring countries, and further develop the sustainable livelihoods established in the first phase of the project.

One of the main goals is to train local environmental officials, NGOs and community representatives to use the forest monitoring tool in Gambia, Senegal and Guinea-Bissau. The map created in Gambia will be further developed and map for pilot areas in the two new countries created. The aim is to enable the local actors to better participate in decision-making related to land-use which is crucial for the development of equality and democracy. The tool is also expected to enhance cross-border cooperation in forest monitoring.

The aim is to also protect the buffer zone surrounding Kiang West National Park, Gambia’s second largest conservation area. Fire prevention trainings are continued in schools and communities in the Kiang West district, in cooperation with the Forestry Department in Gambia. One of the goals is to reduce the pressure on the forest by creating alternative livelihoods for the residents of Jiffarong, e.g. micro businesses and vegetable farming, to substitute firewood selling as income. Also, a new method, FMNR (farmer managed natural regeneration) is piloted in Jiffarong, and expected to improve food security and soil quality.

All planned activities are implemented in cooperation with Dodo’s local partner NGO Freedom from Hunger Campaign.
Project offers opportunities for volunteers to participate, for example through communications and fundraising. If you want to be a part of the global change, join us!

Email  and let us know what you are interested in.

Project 2021–2022

Dodo has been granted MFA’s funding for a new forest conservation project in Gambia! In this two-year projects goal is to apply the forest mapping and monitoring method, that was originally developed for Madagascar by FANC (The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation), and to help residents of the local village of Jiffarong adapt to climate change by creating new sources of income – for example vegetable gardening.

One of the main goals is to train local environmental officials, NGOs and community representatives to use the forest monitoring tool, with the aim of providing an interactive map covering all forest areas in Gambia to enhance forest protection. The aim is to enable the local actors to better participate in decision-making related to land-use which is crucial for the development of equality and democracy in the Gambia.

The aim is to protect the buffer zone surrounding Kiang West National Park, Gambia’s second largest conservation area. Fire prevention training is organized in 15 communities in the Kiang West district, in cooperation with the environmental officials in Gambia. One of the goals is to reduce the pressure on the forest by creating alternative livelihoods for the residents of the target community Jiffarong, which is located in the buffer zone. This will also improve food security and help the locals adapt to climate change.

Other planned activities, which will be implemented in cooperation with Dodo’s local partner NGO Freedom from Hunger Campaign, are reforestation of the community forest in Jiffarong, establishing a vegetable garden and setting up a revolving fund.

The new project offers many opportunities for volunteers to participate, for example through communications and fundraising. If you want to be a part of the global change, come along!

Email and let us know what you are interested in.

Photos: Aleksi Rekunen

News about the project:

Ethical Christmas gift (26.11.2023)
Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) training (23.9.2023)
Harvest update from Jiffarong (18.2.2023)
Compost preparation in Jiffarong (25.1.2023)
Forest fire prevention (27.7.2022)
Identification and selection of beneficiaries (2.1.2022)
Community sensitization (15.12.2021)
Gambia Tesito: New agricultural extension worker & business trainer (3.12.2021)


Meet FFHC’s finance officer Alieu!👨🏾‍💻
Alieu has been part of the team for 2,5 years now. He was first working as an assistant for the senior finance manager, and later started in the finance manager position for Tesito. 💼
He currently attends capacity-building on QuickBooks for the project’s bookkeeping. Using QuickBooks has made bookkeeping more efficient and streamlined, allowing accurate tracking of expenses and easier financial reporting.💻
Through the training, he has learned to create detailed financial reports, manage multiple currencies, automate recurring transactions and generate comprehensive financial statements.🧾
Alieu travels between Brikama, where he lives during the weekends, and Mansa Konko, where FFHC’s office is located. Luckily he is able to do some of the work remotely.🛜
This situation is very common for almost all FFHC workers, since their families’ compounds are located on the West Coast, but projects take place in the rural communities.🚍
In the picture Alieu (front) and Tesito Project Manager Abdou Karim (back).

Tapaa FFHC:n talouspäällikkö Alieu!👨🏾‍💻
Alieu on ollut osa tiimiä nyt 2,5 vuotta. Hän työskenteli ensin talouspäällikön assistenttina ja aloitti myöhemmin talouspäällikön tehtävässä Tesito-hankkeessa.💼
Tällä hetkellä Alieu opiskelee QuickBooks kirjanpito-ohjelman käyttämistä osana hankkeen taloushallintoa. QuickBooksin käyttö on tehnyt kirjanpidosta tehokkaampaa, sillä se mahdollistaa kulujen tarkan seurannan ja helpomman talousraportoinnin.💻
Koulutuksen kautta hän on oppinut luomaan yksityiskohtaisia talousraportteja, hallitsemaan useita valuuttoja, automatisoimaan toistuvia tapahtumia ja laatimaan kattavia tilinpäätöksiä. 🧾
Arjessaan Alieu matkustaa Brikaman ja Mansa Konkon väliä, sillä hän asuu Brikamassa, mutta FFHC:n toimisto sijaitsee Mansa Konkossa. Onneksi osa työtehtävistä onnistuu etätyöskentelynä.🛜
Tämä on hyvin yleistä lähes kaikille FFHC:n työntekijöille, koska useimpien perheet asuvat länsirannikolla, kun taas hankkeita toteutetaan pääasiassa sisämaassa.🚍
Kuvassa Alieu (edessä) ja Tesiton hankekoordinaattori Abdou Karim (takana).

#ffhc #team #tesitoproject #gambia