Mauritius: Last sightings of the dodo bird (Raphus cucullatus).
July 17th, Helsinki: Dodo – Tulevaisuuden elävä luonto ry is founded.
January-February, Helsinki: Four lectures in the series Tulevaisuuden ympäristöteot (Future deeds for the environment).
March, Helsinki: Discussion groups start.
August, Helsinki: The first issue of Dodo’s newsmagazine Drontti.
October, Helsinki: The book ”Tulevaisuuden ympäristöteot” is published.
November, Helsinki: Syysunelmia (Autumn dreams), a series of debates.
December, Helsinki: Maanifesti, Independence Day celebration.
Summer: The national Dodona Combo Discussion Forum is founded.
Autumn, Madagascar: Manombo Rain Forest Conservation Project starts.
Autumn: The first Luomukori-survey on organically grown produce is published.
December, Helsinki: AfterKioto-event, following the convention on climate change in Kioto.
February, Helsinki: An offspring of Dodo’s discussion groups, Lumituuli Ltd, is founded.
February, Turku: Myrskyn merkit (Signs of storm), a public event.
March, Helsinki: Dodona Combo’s Lopun illuusiö (An illusion of the end?), a public event.
March, Helsinki: The first Pääsiäissaari-award goes to the air-traffic controller’s union for their strike, an inadvertent environmental act.
April, Lumijoki: Lumituuli Ltd’s first wind power plant starts producing electricity to the national grid.
June-September, Turku, Espoo, Helsinki: Tunne tropiikki (Know the tropic), a series of public events.
December: Kaupunkilaiset Utopiat 1-6 (City utopias) and the Internet pages www.utopiat.com are published.
February, Helsinki: Kaupunkilaiset Utopiat 1:Utooppisia pistoja kaupunkilaisuuteen -event (Utopian views on city life).
February, Helsinki: Lumituuli Ltd sets up the energy conservation company Espa Ltd.
March: The www.tropiikki.org site is published.
April, Helsinki: Kaupunkilaiset Utopiat 2: Helsinki, Pietari, Tallinna -event in Lasipalatsi (Helsinki, St. Petersburg, Tallinn).
May, Helsinki: Kaupunkilaiset Utopiat 3: Kylät kaupungissa -event in Kumpula village carnival (Villages in the city).
June, Helisnki: The Pääsiäissaari prize is given to Secretary of Treasory Sauli Niinistö for resisting the demands on lowering fuel taxes.
July, Helsinki: Dodo celebrates its fifth birthday with a seminar and a party.
July, Helsinki: Kaupunkilaiset Utopiat 4: Kaupunki kasvaa -event in Alppipuisto (The city grows).
October, Turku: The Päästöt puihin -event on energy issues.
October, Helsinki: The Kaupunkilaiset Utopiat 5 -event: Miss Utopia-competition at Lasipalatsi/Café9.
November: The Yhteiset utopiat-writing contest is won by Jukka Purma for his text Graafinen esitys kaupungin hengestä.
December, Helsinki: The Kaupunkilaiset Utopiat 6: Utopioita on –event at the University of Helsinki ant the Utopia-klubi at VR/ makasiinit.
January: The City Group launches the project “Where Life Can Get
a Foothold” focusing on how to create a city environment that is
ecologically sustainable and agreeable from the human point of view. The
project is part of a larger research programme coordinated by The
Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities.
January, Helsinki: The first Dodo-breakfast at Dodo’s office.
March, Turku: The Atomin ytimessä – Näkökulmia ydinvoimakeskusteluun -event at Turun kirjakahvila.
March, Helsinki: Dodo’s Energy campagne for the spring 2001 starts. The central theme is the discussion of nuclear power.
April, Helsinki: The Valtavirta -network (Dodo a part of it) which resists a fift nuclear plant, organises a mass event against nuclear power on the day of the Tshernobyl -disaster 26.4. Activity from The Senate Square to the House of Parliament.
April, Turku: Valtavirta organises the Atomi-iloittelut -event at the S-osis of the Student House of Turku.
April, Helsinki: The Kirjallisuuden luontokäsitykset -discussion group has its first meeting at Dodo’s office.
April-May: Dodo encourages people to help president Bush fight the climate change by boycotting American products.
May, Helsinki: The aid programme Sinsibere – The development of women’s survival possibilities in Mali’s countryside has its launching event.
May, Helsinki: The Pääsiäissaari-prize is given to the prioni protein which causes BSE.
May,Turku: The Ytimestä eteenpäin – Mikä on suomalaisen energiapolitiikan tulevaisuus -debate, participating members of parliament from Turku.
June, Helsinki: The Manombo with pictures and stories -event.
July, Helsinki: The Kaupunkilaiset Utopiat -project organises the second annual Seaid -walk.
July, Helsinki: Dodo’s sixth birthday
September, Tampere: The Ydinvoiman vastainen seminaari ja toimintaviikonloppu -event, which is arranged together with the member organisations of the Valtavirta -network.
Sebtmber 10th: The Katastro.fi Networks -project lento.katastro.fi is launched (without anticipating what will happen the next day in the USA).
September, Helsinki: The Stadin rannat -discussion event
September, Viipuri/Russia: The Ympäristöseminaari yhteistyössä seminar together with Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto and two Russian environmental organisations.
September-October, Helsinki: The Johdatus nykyisiin ympäristökysymyksiin -seminar. Dodo’s own experts present current views on environmental problems in a four part series.
October, Tampere: The Tampere City Group starts its work as part of the “Where Life Can Get a Foothold” -project.
Dodo Road shows were launched in Jyväskylä, Turku and Tampere
Dodo is engaged with the Johannesburg-summit
Discussions about nuclear energy in Finnland – Dodo has an active role and works with the other environmental organizations
Project ”Manombo” was launched again.
Dodo gets a representative in a national committee of sustainable development
Enlargement of activities to Lahti